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just for gurls!

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12 posters

    Photoshop Tutorial


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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by fleur-Admin Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:56 am

    First topic message reminder :

    Gurls ada yang butuh tutorial buat edit foto gak? Misalnya terangi muka, dll~


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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by Cath Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:35 pm

    aduuuh gambarnya gak keluar .. Crying or Very sad


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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by Chino2 Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:41 pm

    nice tut nih bu adminn... Very Happy


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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by sheffyne_yuka Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:47 am

    mantabh.... nice trit dah bu admin nice


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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by fleur-Admin Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:13 pm

    hilangin noise

    pake blur
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    tuh kliatan kan noise nya? di soft texture nya pake blur tool

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] <-brushnya
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    liat ga bedanya ma sebelumnya?

    trus kita tajemin ujung2 deket mata n wajah, dll (ini di skip juga gpp sih) pake sharpen tool
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    hasilnya sama ky foto sblumnya.
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    next tutorial, gedein mata, kecilin rahang, mancungin idung.
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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by phanie14 Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:41 pm

    mantaaaaapppp.. kalo bole, minta link donlod sotosop dong.. Smile


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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by Alouette42 Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:32 pm

    mau dooong kecilin rahang soalnya kadang2 kalo anglenya ga pas suka jadi terlalu kotak rahang g ahahah XD kyaa ga sabar ditungguuu


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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by fleur-Admin Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:42 pm

    phanie, ngg aku install pake cd, jd ga tau link nya >.<

    alou, haha ditunggu yaaaa Smile


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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by Cath Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:57 pm

    anu, noise itu maksudnya apa yah??

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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by fleur-Admin Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:54 pm

    cath, itu loh yang kaya grain gitu yg bikin foto jadi gak alus~ hehe

    oot : gurls tuto nya nyusul yaa, aku lg agak rempong atm Smile

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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by Cath Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:20 pm

    waaa akhirnya potosop gw bisaaa... coba coba coba tutnya fleur..!!

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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by fleur-Admin Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:11 pm

    nih kalo mau kecilin rahang gedein mata, pake tool liquify. Di Filter --> Liquify.

    kalo mau kecilin rahang pilih brush yg buat kecilin di sebelah kiri n brushnya letakin di rahang yg mau dikecilin.
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    kalo mata juga sama, bedanya pake brush yg buat gedein.
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    sebnrnya yg buat mata gak recommended kecuali mau bikin mata ky mata ulzzang yg itemnya gede.

    liquify ini juga bisa buat kecilin idung, dll. pinter2an aja makenya. dicoba" Very Happy

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    next tutorial.agak ribet sih.haha
    3 wajah jacklin,hehe

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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by phanie14 Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:25 pm

    wah, harus download deh sotosoppp.... hihihi....
    makasih bumiiinnn Smile

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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by phanie14 Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:01 am

    udah dicoba barusan.. liquifynya susah sih bikin rahang kecilan gitu... jadinya kaya alien... Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 2146535152

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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by Cath Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:37 pm

    wadaaa.. uda cobaaa.. lucunyaaaa... kl asal2an, tar bisa jadi blebep belebep gitu potonya.. wkwkkw..

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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by Alouette42 Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:43 am

    Gyahhahahahahaha mulut g jadi aneh gt XD
    Seru ya photoshop
    Makasih bu momooooddd

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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by Cath Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:24 am

    iya gw dah coba tu yg gedein mata ama kecilin rahang.. seruuuu... thx bu min... we want more we want more.. wkkwkw..

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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by fleur-Admin Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:26 pm

    tone editing

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    itu urutan toolsnya,
    1. Curves
    2. Hue/Saturation
    3. Photo Filter
    4. Level
    5. Photo filter lagi

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Image-Adjustment-Photo filter
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    Photo filter skali lagi Smile
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    final result
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    kalian juga bisa maenin ndiri kaya bgini~ cute
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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by fleur-Admin Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:29 pm

    oia kalo ada yg ga ngerti tanya aja yaaa~ smoga aku bisa bantu, hehe Smile

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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by Alouette42 Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:08 pm

    sis kalo tutorial buat ilangin jerawat gt ada ga?

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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by fleur-Admin Wed Oct 26, 2011 2:14 pm

    ilangin jerawat? biasanya aku pake clone stamps kalo buat ilangin spot2 geje gitu Smile

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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by SeverusLove Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:04 pm

    waaah..tone nya...thanks bangeeet ya leeen...muaach~

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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by nacchu Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:04 pm

    request request...
    kalo kaya mau bikin tutorial make up gitu pan suka ada garis putus2 di bagian yg mau di make up, nah begimana cara nya tuh bikin begitu? Dodol banget soal potoshop Crying or Very sad
    paling cuma bisa conceal jerawat sama adjust brightness en contras doang, pernah coba ngecilin rahang, malah kaya orang ditonjok muka nya banjir

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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by cutezfella Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:44 am

    like banget...
    makasih tutorialnya...
    keren"...Very Happy

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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by soybean Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:15 pm

    wahhh udah aku coba suka banget.

    sebelumnya buta banget tentang photoshop.

    di tunggu tutorial selanjutnya

    tq tq tq

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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by Sheilla Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:01 pm

    Bu admin, kalo bikin garis putus2 buat tutorial itu gimana caranya ya?

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    Photoshop Tutorial - Page 2 Empty Re: Photoshop Tutorial

    Post by fleur-Admin Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:26 am

    @all, sorry banget terlantar thread nya, hahhaa sibuk soalny T__T
    tar yah ku bikin tuto buat garis putus2 nya, itu gampang banget nget kok, cm aku lg ga sempet aja ngedit step nya.
    di tunggu saja yaaa Smile

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